January 13, 2020 |
The Barnes Firm |
Maggie Karnath
In 2020, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day falls on Monday, January 20. The national holiday celebrates the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a respected civil rights leader who continues to inspire hope and healing among the country’s citizens. Dr. King is well-known for his civil rights activism to end racial segregation as well as his teachings on truth, service, humility, integrity, and respect. Martin Luther King, Jr. is best known for his “I Have a Dream Speech” and as an advocate of non-violent protest. Assassinated in 1968, he was the youngest man ever to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Shortly after his death, the campaign began to establish a holiday to honor his legacy. The first bill was introduced in 1976, becoming law in 1983. The first Martin Luther King Day was observed in 1986, with all states joining in by the year 2000. As a relatively new federal holiday, traditions are still being established to celebrate the day. Already, it is a day to promote equal rights for all with celebrations honoring the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Educational institutions teach students about his work for racial equality.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, as a federal holiday, is marked by the closure of non-essential government departments with many businesses and schools following suit. With these closures, the date becomes a long holiday weekend for many to enjoy time with family and friends, participating in celebrations or enjoying a winter get-away. If you are planning to get-away or join in local celebrations, staying safe as you get to and from your destination is important.
Here are some safe driving tips for Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend in and around Los Angeles:
- Keep your car in good condition, checking to ensure your lights, windshield wipers, defroster, heater, brakes, etc. are operating optimally.
- Stay alert, and avoid driving distracted or when tired.
- Never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs (illegal, prescription, or over-the-counter).
- Keep an emergency road kit in your car at all times.
- Be sure everyone in your vehicle wears seatbelts, and child safety seats are installed and used properly.
- If you’ll be traveling for a weekend get-away, be sure to check the weather forecast at storms.ca.gov as well as the road conditions at https://quickmap.dot.ca.gov/. Keep your gas tank full and prepare for road and weather conditions.
- If you’ll be driving in poor weather conditions, always use your headlights.
- Remember, in Southern California downpours, drive in the middle lane to avoid water pooling.
- In inclement weather, don’t use your cruise control, which can result in skidding. Always slow down and allow greater distance between your vehicle and others.
- If you’re heading to the mountains, where snow is likely, carry chains just in case, as well as an ice scraper and deicer to keep your windows clear. You’ll also want a broom and shovel in case of heavy snow as well as sand or burlap for traction should you get stuck.
Staying safe and enjoying the holiday weekend, allows you and your family a time to reflect on the work of Dr. King and those who continue to follow in his footsteps.
If you’ve been injured in a car accident during MLK weekend, you need to contact the experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorneys who have helped thousands of victims get the settlements they deserve. For a free consultation, contact The Barnes Firm at (800) 800-0000 today.
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Los Angeles , MLK Weekend , Personal Injury Attorneys , The Barnes Firm